WEREWOLVES UNEARTHED (Documentary, 2023)

New streaming on Tubi from Small Town Monsters!
Directed by Ward Hiney.
Starring Ward Hiney, Chad Christy, Justin Domhoff, Jamie King, Jenny King, Albert Walker, Doug Leith, Brian Seech, Delores Martell-Concanon, Amanda Russell, Josh Russell,

Director Ward Hiney and a small film crew made up of Chad Christy and Justin Domhoff head to Northwest Ohio/Northeast Pennsylvania area to investigate sightings of a werewolf-like creature known as the Dogman.

If you’re not familiar with Dogman, he seems to be Bigfoots crankier and more canine cousin. Often said to be much more aggressive and threatening than Sasquatch, which is known to stomp around the area as well. While some might think the two might be mistaken for each other, eyewitnesses attest that they’ve seen the creature with a snout and bent dog legs distinguishing the two monsters.

I’ve said it before that while I want to believe that Bigfoot exists, the Dogman is a taking things a bit too far for me. There’s actually an evolutionary connection between man and ape, but as far as I know, there is none such ties with canines. Most of the time, I imagine these sightings are simply big dogs or wolves mistaken for monsters with the imagination making them seem like they are bigger than they actually are.

Still, I enjoyed this little documentary. It’s not as expansive as the typical Small Town Monsters documentaries, but it does offer up some interesting eyewitness interviews of people who seem like they believe what they’ve seen to be the Dogman, specifically one tale of a cult of werewolves who passed through the area at one point. There’s also a nighttime exploration of the area that doesn’t really offer up much evidence. There are very few werewolves unearthed in WEREWOLVES UNEARTHED, actually none of them were, but as a fan of these type of paranormal investigative shows, Small Town Monsters always sets the bar high.

Check out the trailer here!!