Directed and Written by Doug Sakmann
Starring Joanna Angel, Tommy Pistol, Kylee Kross, Spyder Jones, and Andy Straub

Directed and Written by Doug Sakmann
Starring Joanna Angel, Tommy Pistol

Find out more about these films here!

I have to state this fact outright. This movie is soft core porn, but as far as the sex goes, it’s nothing you wouldn’t find on Skinemax at midnight on any given day. We’re all grown-ups here. We’ve all seen it. So let’s just acknowledge that yes, this is a review of soft-core gore porn and move on, shall we?

Not that I’m an aficionado or anything, but I’ve seen my fair share of smut. None this gory, but aside from alternating angles, POV’s and close-ups/pull back shots, you don’t really look for stunning cinematography in these things. I don’t want to chastise or shame the porn industry, but basically, if the picture is clear enough to see the beautiful bodies slapping together, the job is done.

What we have here is gory horror porn. I’m not sure who this is for, because honestly, I was grossed out by it. It’s just not my bag, baby. I compartmentalize much of my life, and that includes sex too. Sure, I love to see a gory horror film as much as the next fiend. But mix it with something that’s supposed to arouse something other than my jones for gore and things get a little ooky for me.

Fortunately, Joanna Angel not only mixes horror with porn, but she also adds a large helping of comedy to the mix, making it all much more digestible. If this were played straight, as often seen in some Unearthed Films, I’d have a much harder time with it. But as is, though I didn’t find these two short films arousing, they did end up tickling my funny bone.

Angel and her writer/director Doug Sakmann are paying homage to the genre they seem to love dearly by spoofing them and refilming them fitting them to porn standards. A lot of the humor is very broad in the form of making the characters’ names sound more porn-y; Dr. Hubert Breast is the lead in RE-PENETRATOR while Regan McFeel (Angel) and Father Merkin (Tommy Pistol) round out the cast of THE XXXORCIST.

My favorite of the two shorts featured was THE XXXORCIST, a truncated version of the Blatty/Friedkin classic focusing mainly on the exorcism scene itself. This was much more of a full story which had three different endings: sad, happy, and fucked up. Though the humor supplied its share of clunkers, I couldn’t help but laugh at Father Merkin claiming that he will have to “fuck the hell out of you!” Dildos substitute for crucifixes in key scenes, as I’m sure you can guess. The mother becomes involved in a logical manner only found in porn. But all in all, it is a lot of fun seeing them try to mold a porn around the classic tale.

RE-PENETRATOR is much more of just a single scene in which Pistol plays Dr. Hubert Breast reviving a zombie with his green serum, then of course having sex with it. Though gory, this is more of a straight up sex scene than anything else and was light on the humor that redeemed THE XXXORCIST.

Though I’m not sure who exactly this type of film is for, I’m sure there’s an audience for it somewhere. If you like barf & guts, blood & grue with your sex, and I’m not here to judge, I think, though, that THE SICK & TWISTED HORROR OF JOANNA ANGEL is right up your demented alley.